On September 4th, Detectives from the Coral Springs Police Special Operations and Criminal Investigations Unit observed and followed a suspicious person in the area of the 7900 block of 41st Street. The male, matching the description of a suspect connected with several burglaries in the area approached multiple houses within the community. Following a lengthy surveillance of the suspect, he was stopped and questioned after he was observed prowling through the area. During the stop, the suspect was identified as, Fredrick Fenelon. The suspect was found to be in possession of property stolen from a vehicle burglary that occurred over the weekend in the City of Coral Springs.

When stopped, Fenelon was in the area of a vacant home, which was later searched. During the search detectives discovered additional stolen property. That property came from vehicle and residential burglaries within the City of Coral Springs. Fenelon was charged with grand theft (possession of stolen property), obstruction, possession of personal ID, and loitering and prowling. Additional charges are pending, once victims are identified to the recovered property.
If you have been a victim of a vehicle burglary or residential burglary in the areas of Woodside Drive and Wiles Road or Riverside Drive and Wiles Road, please contact Det. Mears 954-346-1218.