To some, Hobo’s Fish Joint was just another restaurant. To others, it marked the one restaurant in town which sort of made us a landmark. From all over Broward county they would come to enjoy Chef Steve’s fabulous fish preparations. More than 10 years after he opened his doors, the doors close.
So what caused his demise? Maybe it was over fishing. With so many restaurants in town, this 5 star restaurant couldn’t keep up. I think it was the opening of the franchise Bonefish Grill on University Drive. This restaurant went head to head with the quality of food and atmosphere that you had walking in the doors of Hobo’s . It could have been that Hobo’s priced themselves out of the market,. or even that the rent was too high in a ‘B’ location in a strip center located at Royal Palm and Coral Springs Drive. For whatever the reason, this restaurant will be missed by many Coral Springers .
I remember when Chef Steve took over the small fast food Limburger’s Restaurant. IT was a small place, I think I was one of his first customers. He prepared the food himself and then actually served it. The store could be no more than 1500 square feet. Then he expanded into the space beside him, and low an behold he had this huge restaurant with private rooms and a large bar. Everyone went there, since it was THE place to be. People celebrated birthday’s and other life events. It was a nice place to go for a good meal!
I know this isn’t New York, and the joint wasn’t there for 150 years, but it does bring a sad thought to know that a popular place that opened when the Coral Springs was a smaller town can’t make it.
I wonder where Chef Steve will open next?