Coral Springs, Florida 01/06/2022 : If you were listening to the Coralsprings.com Police and Fire Scanner on our website today, at around 11:30 am Dispatch announced that the Coral Springs hospitals were at critical capacity in the ICU and Emergency wards.
When this call goes out, the PD or FD look for alternatives or triage to make sure that only the really ill end up going to a local hospital. They will search out other hospitals in our adjacent area including Boca Raton. There is always a chance as well, that the hospitals will refuse cases.
There are still many people in our community that have proudly refused to get vaccinated. We should all encourage them to do so as the reports are that most of the beds occupied now are with people that are not vaccinated.
There is also a rapid increase in children needing hospitalizations, amongst those that are not vaccinated.
Let’s all hope that Omicron leaves us as fast as it arrived.