Our Veterans need our help to provide trained dogs to our Wounded Warriors
On the plane to Washington I met South Florida Resident 91 year old Irving Stovroff and his companion, a golden Labrador named Cash. Irving is a Veteran World War II who flew 35 missions over France as a bombardier flying B-24’s until he was shot down and became a POW. As a true hero and wanting to do something for his fellow servicemen who were wounded in all of the wars, he established a program that provides funds to train dogs to assist wounded disabled Veterans. After speaking with him, I immediately ( donated money there was internet access on US Airways) connecting to his website http://www.vetshelpingheroes.org .
On the way back from Washington , I happened to meet him again along with with some of the Heroes that benefitted from his and another organization,www.guidedogs.org run by Bobby Newman out of Tampa, that is also involved. However, both Irwin’s and Bobby’s fundraising efforts are both short of money. Since you don’t have to be a VET to help, why not help them ?
Click on the photo on the right, and seated to the left is Colonel Kathy Champion and Corporal Michael Jernigan who both suffered severe injuries in Iraq during the work. From the right , Booby Newman from Southeastern Dogs, and there is Irving just left of him. They have with them their guide dogs ( Labradors as well) that were supplied through the generous support of people like you and me. Irwin’s organization already placed more than 90 of these well trained dogs, but hundreds more are needed. It is the least we can do for the men and women who have sacrificed so much for our freedom.
To help out http://www.vetshelpingheroes.org