Need Help to feed needy families for Thanksgiving
Coral Springs, Florida- The Coral Springs Jaycees are continuing a 30 year tradition of serving The Coral Springs Community. Through many project held this year The Coral Springs Jaycees have raised over $2,600 for The American Cancer Society. The Coral Springs Jaycees have hosted fundraisers for The Ronald McDonald House in which they have donated over $2,800 to this charity. As a result of their efforts The Coral Springs Jaycees have been recognized on a local, state, and national level. Their Community Development Vice President, Saul Gershman has led the charge and was recently named Regional Officer of The Semester.
Not resting on their laurels The Coral Springs Jaycees have committed to helping needy families for Thanksgiving by partnering with Family Central. The Coral Springs Jaycees have agreed to feed 20 local Coral Springs Families that have been identified as needy. The Coral Springs Jaycees are asking for local support through monetary and in-kind donations. The Coral Springs Jaycees are hoping that local citizens and businesses will assist in this effort by sending donations to PO Box 8392 Coral Springs, Florida 33075 or stopping by a meeting on any Tuesday evening at 7:30 PM at Wings Plus located at 9880 West Sample Road Coral Springs. For more information you can contact The Coral Springs Jaycees at 954-731-1330 or via email at RD1299
The Coral Springs Jaycees will have drop-off food sites at Citibank, Pearle Vision, The Batters Box, and Doctor Season Schelling’s office. To become a drop-off site call 954-731-1330. Food donations should be non-pershiable and can be dropped off starting on October 1, 2001.
The Coral Springs Jaycees are proud to announce that The Go For It All or Bust in Coral Springs monopoly type board game is complete and ready for sale. The remaining games are expected to arrive in Mid September. Games are available for a $20 donation with all proceeds being earmarked for The Annual Holiday Projects for needy families. For details call 954-731-1330.