First Draft 10/04/02
I never thought that in the new millennium people would still be subjected to the same stuff as the old millennium. It would never have dawned on me that smoking would still be prevalent, and that people would still be succumbed to Cancer from smoking. What kind of idiots are they? The facts are clear. Smoking is not only bad for your health but leads to millions of deaths every year. Is there any imbecile out there that really believes that smoking does not cause cancer? Why are we pussyfooting around with the tobacco companies in their quest to sell us more of their product so that we can all develop cancer? It can’t be all about money…….. Maybe it is all about money. But , if that were so, then the citizens of our country would want to save the billions of dollars in health care that go to treating smoking related disease. I submit to you that smoking is a weapon of mass destruction that very few people really reap the financial benefit. You can do something about this issue and vote YES for Amendment 6 in the upcoming November 5 election. Here are some of the facts about banning smoking: Fact #1 : Smoking kills you. It causes amongst other diseases, cancer, emphysema, lung disease, and heart disease. Cancer Kills. Heart Disease Kills. Anyone want to dispute this? Guess not. Smoking related diseases kill more people each year than drugs. Fact # 2: The United States Constitution does not have in it anything that guarantees the rights of the Smoker. Here is the link to the Constitution , see for yourself. However, there are a great quantity of laws the limit peoples personal freedoms for the protection of the majority. For instance, laws affecting speed limits affect the rights of the speeder. Laws limiting the consumption of Alcohol limit the rights of the alcoholic. There is a violation given if you play your music too loud late at night, there are even laws limiting our access to liquor stores, and many others that can be seen as restricting some peoples rights, for the protection of the majority. Fact #3: The majority of the population is Non-Smoking. There are state laws that protect the health and welfare of people when it comes to smoking. Article 403.021(3) of the Florida Legislature states that
Since it has been proven that second hand smoke is harmful, are the citizens of this state not afforded reasonable protection from the release of the toxic gases from a smoker? Fact #4 Smoking is offensive to most people: I like using the following example: A smoker walks into a bar and asks the people around him/her “Do you mind if I smoke?”. Sounds reasonable, doesn’t it? How about this: A Non-smoker walks into a bar and asks the people around him/her “Do you mind if I not smoke?”. It is quite obvious that most smokers know that their habit is offensive to most people. Fact #5: Cigarette smoking is one of the major causes for fires, indoor and outdoor. Fact #6: The Tobacco companies will do all they can in order to remove any limitation on smoking anywhere. This is because a limitation on smoking may reduce their sale of their product. I am not saying that the Sun Sentinel is influenced by the Tobacco companies. However, they do advertise in print, and where there is smoke…. Will Banning Smoking will result in no one wanting to visit Restaurants? What is it with people? Only smokers go to restaurants? Oh, I get it, only smokers spend a lot of money drinking coffee or booze. How about those restaurants that are not frequented by customers simply because their policy of allowing people to smoke keeps the air stinking and unappetizing? I submit to you two restaurants that I used to frequent that are now low on my list. One of them is the Old Vienna restaurant on Wiles Road. Here is a small restaurant that divides up its smoking section into right side left side. There is only 25 feet between the walls. You sit on the non-smoking section but smell the stench fro the smokers puffing up a storm. Then there is the Bone Fish Willies restaurant where you walk in to the place and you immediate get a tobacco high. We have a non-smokers section they say, but you have to walk through the smokers to get to the clean air place. Did you know that there is a law that says that you need separate Air Conditioning Systems when declaring a smoking area? The smokers can only breath their own air and the other side must not have a crossed system so that smoke can get into a non-smoking section. This is one building code that is never followed since most of the building inspections are smokers (I think). When the smokers will get hungry they will leave their filthy habit at the doorstep of the restaurant and come inside to eat like every other civilized human being. Should the Amendment for some stupid reason not pass, here are some creative ways that I thought about that can pursue this issue: 1. Ban on creating a fire in any place where there is a hazardous material. This will limit the ability of someone having a lit cigarette in an establishment that has natural gas or propane. other than the pilot lamp or stove. 2. Ban on polluting the air with smoke where children under the age of 18 are. There is a limitation to serving liquor to minors. There is a law that bans the selling of booze in our city until 1 pm. Sunday. There is even a limit to the sale of alcohol on New Years Eve. So let’s make it impossible for someone to smoke in front of children. 3. Enforce the separate Air Conditioning rule: We should be sending out our code enforcement officers to each restaurant to make sure they have separated the air conditioning systems so that non-smokers do not breath the cancerous substances aerated by smokers. Let’s make it part of the renewal of the occupational licenses that they prove to our inspectors they in fact have a separate system. The mere cost of this to some restaurant owners will blow away the need to have a smoking section. 4. Change the Sign Legislation calling the smoking section of a restaurant “Cancer” and the non-smoking section “Non-Cancer section”. Or how about the Living Section and the Dying Section. It should have the visual impact we need to discuss this issue in the open air. 5. Let’s only elect those politicians that agree with the ban on smoking. A ban on smoking is not an issue to be compared to other civil rights and liberties. It is simply a health hazard that is costing us billions of dollars. It is a social issue where the death of a loved one because of smoking results in the suffering of many of the living family members. It kills million of people and is truly the number one weapon of mass destruction launched at us by special interest groups that couldn’t care less about your health, so long as it does not affect their financial fortune. Let’s blow smoke in their faces and ban smoking in Restaurants in Florida. VOTE YES FOR AMENDMENT 6 Agree or disagree? YES click here and email us at NO: click here and email us at Email other opinions if you want to Other Websites of Interest: The Foundation for a Smoke free America Some of your Comments:
You mean I can’t enjoy a nice Italian meal at the best restaurant in town because someone has an addiction problem? Is it a right to smoke or a right not to die from it? The latest figure is that 5,000,000 people died because of smoke related illnesses last year. If you are going to pass laws, at least pass ones that protect the population. h.m.