Coral Springs FL March 4, 2019: is endorsing Scott Brook for Mayor for the upcoming March 12 election.
Scott has been Mayor of Coral Springs in the past, as has one other candidate, but the difference is that his professional experience as an attorney, as well as the policies that he has endorsed in the past make him shine above all others.
With possible difficulties facing this city, including the expensive City Hall project ( $40,000,000) we need to have someone who is not only fiscally responsible but can understand what this means.
The shoes being filled for this position are that of the late Skip Campbell who was re-elected and then unfortunately passed away last year after the election. The vacuum created by this was evident as the other city commissioners had a hard time in dealing with issues before the city. Having a mayor with experience will no doubt have a binding impact to policies before the city.
We asked Scott Brook for his platform and reasons why the citizens of this city should vote for him. He summarized this into 8 priority items that he will institute when elected. They are :
1) Bridge the Divide
In our city I believe there are a few divides. One of those is a partisan divide. That’s why I’m so glad I have the opportunity to run as a non-partisan. I’m all about people over politics. Another divide exists between the residents and our city government. This stems from a couple of issues, one being the building of City Hall and the other being the bonds that were proposed and rejected by voters in March 2018. The city did not do enough to educate the residents about those and other decisions that they have had to make which has led to the divide.
2) Lower Property Taxes
Some people might suggest that campaigning on lowering taxes is just another empty campaign promise to try and sway voters. I disagree. I truly believe that we can accomplish this through collaboration. We can collaborate with residents and business owners in the city to enhance the value of our properties and lower taxes.
3) Create a Vibrant Downtown
Coral Springs has always been a great place to live, work, and raise a family. The next step is to build a vibrant downtown, with life music, and plenty of foot traffic to create an experience for our residents while contributing to economic development as well as expanding our tax base. Coral Springs has the opportunity to be the crown jewel of Broward County with this downtown.
4) Empower Our Youth
The youth are the lifeblood of our city, and we need to do more to engage them with our government. This is not just a promise for when I am Mayor, but something I’ve implemented as part of my campaign by hiring the youngest campaign manager for a Mayoral race in a major city (over 100,000 residents) in the entire country. As Mayor I plan to reintroduce the Mayor for a Day program, create a Mayor’s Youth Cabinet to engage students from middle school on.
5) Bring Years of Innovation
During my time as a Commissioner and Mayor, as well as the 8 years since I have left public office, I have always looked for opportunities to bring people together to tackle our most pressing problems and develop innovative solutions. I started the Innovation Table, a monthly roundtable discussion between Coral Springs small business owners that is focused on identifying solutions rather than problems. Project Leadership, which has mentored over 1000 teenagers since it began in. It developed because I saw an opportunity to complement high schoolers education with a program that taught them soft skills such as public speaking. If we can bring programs like these to a city-wide level, we will be able to serve so many more of our citizens.
6) Seniors
Quarterly sit downs with our older residents and expanding programs and services offered to them through grants.
7) Neighborhood Beautification
Coral Springs is coming up on its 60th year since its founding. Some of our oldest neighborhoods will require capital investment for beautification.
8) 2040 visioning summit
If we want Coral Springs to be sustainable for the next generation, we have to prepare for the future. That’s why I’m proposing to have a 2040 Visioning Summit with all stakeholders involved so we can plan for the future.
Scott Brook’s ideas for the city are based on past experience and as well brings a well thought of platform by which the voters in this city can come to the right conclusion : Scott Brook will make an excellent Mayor.