Tag: Covid
Email: Devil to Governor Desantis
Great Move Stopping Schools Enforcing Masks Policies
Keep up the good work
You got my Vote!
The good news is that every death since your decree is now on your head. This means you get to play with big boys when your time is up you will be welcomed down here with and outstretched arm.
Florida Governor DeathSantis DOES NOTHING: 20000 DEAD AND COUNTING And UBER Driver Giving Us Stats
Coral Springs FL 10/17/2020 : According to the newly appointed statistician that is supposed to provide details regarding the COvid-19 pandemic in Florida, only one person died on Friday from the disease in the entire state. I did not see any major headlines in any of the newspapers. This is…
Covid-19 Numbers Don’t Add Up ! We Need to Stop Counting and Start Lowering the Anxiety, Stress and Worry.
I was told once that Worry is internalized, Stress is physical and Anxiety is a combination of worry and stress. No help to many of us that are experiencing this level of anxiety as we try to hunker down, listen to our government and hope that this Covid-19 crisis is…