Dear Friend, While I am hopeful for a healthier 2021 now that COVID-19 vaccinations are being distributed in South Florida, I know many are frustrated with how distribution has gone so far. I share your frustrations and have been pressing state and local officials to make public a comprehensive vaccine plan. While we must all be patient due to limited supplies, we should also expect a distribution plan with full transparency for all Floridians. Recently, Governor DeSantis announced that Phase I of vaccine distribution will prioritize long-term care facility residents and staff; persons 65 years of age and older; health care personnel; and those deemed by medical experts to be extremely vulnerable to COVID-19. County health departments and hospitals will be administering vaccinations to eligible candidates. Appointment hotlines have been overwhelmed with calls this week and some healthcare providers have had to halt reservations at this time. State officials have assured me that additional distribution sites will be announced soon. Links to additional information are available below. Broward County: All appointments have been filled at this time. Please visit their website for more updates. Palm Beach County: Florida Department of Health in Palm Beach County is providing COVID-19 vaccinations to residents 65+, healthcare providers, and those with serious preexisting conditions. To schedule an appointment, please email your name, phone number, and date of birth and include if you are 65+, a healthcare provider, or if you have a serious preexisting condition to chd50feedback@flhealth.gov. Broward Health: Due to overwhelming demand, Broward Health has reached capacity through February 2021 for COVID-19 vaccinations. At this time, Broward Health is no longer scheduling new appointments. Please visit the website for updates Cleveland Clinic: All Cleveland Clinic locations have reached their vaccine supply limit and will no longer be scheduling appointments at this time. For more updates, click here. Jackson Health: Vaccination appointments are no longer available at this moment. For updates, visit their website. Holy Cross Health: COVID-19 vaccines are not currently being provided. Please visit their website or call 954-267-7600 for updates. Memorial Health System: Memorial is now extending vaccines to seniors 65 and older and community licensed healthcare professionals regardless of hospital affiliation. Existing patients can sign up through their portal. New patients can call 954-276-4340 to schedule an appointment. Callers are asked to be patient due to the overwhelming volume of calls. As public health officials work to make vaccines widely available, please continue to be patient and follow social distancing guidelines. I will continue to work with state and local officials to ensure that Florida residents are kept updated on information regarding vaccine distribution. To find more information on vaccines or other COVID-19 resources, please visit Deutch.House.Gov/coronavirus or call my Boca Raton office at 561-470-5440. Thank you, Ted |