Coral Springs Middle School – 1990-91 National School of Excellence ?
Not Any More -Time to Take Down the Sign

Coral Springs Florida  12 /12/21 🙁 first Draft)  In  October of 1991 , Coral Springs Middle School was one of 56 middle schools in the nation to receive the  National School of Excellence award from the US Department of Education.  At that time, President George Bush pursued quality learning and awarded…

Bravo! Bravo Peruvian Kitchen
Delicious Ceviche and Fantastic Pisco Sours

Bravo Peruvian Kitchen is  more upscale style  dining in a well sized restaurant that has more ambiance.  The menu is well thought out , making it easy and not confusing to make the right choice.

Columbus Was an Idiot
Holiday or Not!

Columbus Day should be the  holiday to remind us just how stupid we all really are.  Just think: we are celebrating an explorer  commissioned in 1492 by the Spanish King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella  to find the passage to India.  He is credited with discovering America but landed in Haiti…

Email: Devil to Governor Desantis
Great Move Stopping Schools Enforcing Masks Policies
Keep up the good work
You got my Vote!

The good news is that every death since your decree is now on your head.  This means you get to play with big boys when your time is up you will be welcomed down here with and outstretched arm.