President Donald Trump now has a mandate from the majority of Americans to institute his policies as outlined during his campaign – Whether you agree or disagree with them.
They are far reaching and represent in most situations a complete change of direction for this country compared to President Biden.
Our role as citizens has now changed from being a voter to making sure he executes and makes good on what he has promised. This is not about the various entertaining campaign speeches where one or many people were slurred. Lock him Up etc etc were never considered to be real policies. This is about the actual policy changes he wants to make to this country, good or bad.
They include:
1 No Ban on Abortion
2 End Ukraine War
3 Increase production of Fossil Fuels to lower cost of gas at the pump lowering the cost of groceries.
4 Overturn Biden’s Target on Clean Energy ( lower the cost of a car purchase)
5 Increase Tariffs on Chinese goods – Buy America First
6 making tipped income tax-free
7 abolishing tax on social security payments .
8 shaving corporation tax rate to 15% from the current 21%.
9 End inflation
10 Implement biggest mass deportations of undocumented migrants in US history.
11 Complete the building of a wall at the border with Mexico
12 Rolling back Democratic President Joe Biden’s income tax hikes on the wealthiest Americans
13 Scrapping Inflation Reduction Act levies that finance energy measures intended to combat climate change
There are no doubt more , but the main ones are outlined above. We will keep score and when one of the items on this list is done, we will provide a notification that it was achieved. The score card is important . A check mark in the WIN column for President Trump.
Kamala Harris Loss and Reflections on the Democratic Party
It is important that we really understand what were the factors contributing to one of the worst losses and reversals in modern times. Aside from the obvious ones regarding inflation, cost of groceries, there is a more important issue regarding the hold that fringe groups within the democratic party have on its future.
I am referring to LGBTQ+ groups actually believing that this country of ours , the majority, are open minded. The issue was put to a vote. Cancel Culture was thrown out with the bath water. So were the aspirations of many Democrats into thinking this was a big issue .
This is Not CANADA.
In a recent trip to Canada I was confused by a sign on the store front window of Scotia Bank, one of 6 or so banks in Canada. More letters added to LGBTQ . From the the bank’s focus was to look on the Pride side with a specific mention to the 2SLGBTQIA+ community in Canada. The addition of more letters and numbers was obviously thought about as more inclusive allowing politics to further define a voting block not otherwise know. Canada is socialistic and liberal minded in a way in which Canadians have been culturally fine tuned.
2SLGTBQIA+ is an acronym for Two-Spirit, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer and/or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and the plus reflects the countless affirmative ways in which people choose to self-identify.
However, the USA is not Canada . From the election loss, what can be said is this the average American voter did not want to embrace this message. Nor would they even consider adding more letters to a fringe group of people defined by politicians.
Politically, exactly how big a voting block is the LGBTQ community ? As of 2021 , 13.9 million or 5.5% of U.S. adults identify as LGBT. This is a significant number of people. However there are 94.5% of the population that are not LGBT. “T” represents approximately 1.14% of the nation’s adult population, or 3 million Americans, identify as transgender ( 2021 USA census ). With so many other issues facing the American population Transgender rights was not a big issue – obviously.
With the assumption that a majority of the LGBT community resonates with the Democratic party, these are voters that are in the pocket. The Democratic Party was focusing their efforts on transgender and other such issues that were not issues with a majority of the country.