by Howard Melamed My tax bill has gone up this year even though my property value came down. I have to get Satellite TV because for some reason this city only allows one cable TV provider , and they don’t provide. We have serious problems with crime in this city and we have a police force that is underpaid and mad, so no wonder they have no heart when they stop you and give you a ticket. We have a city center of the performing arts that doesn’t perform. I am tired of all of this. SO it is time to clean house. I believe we need new blood in the city and Jim Gleason is the right guy. Vote for Jim Gleason for Mayor of Coral Springs. I have known Jim for several years personally, He is someone that I am confident, would do a great job no matter what he puts his mind to. Honesty is not something that you would associate with a politician, but Jim is that wholesome kind of guy that I know can be called an Honest Man. It is not that I don’t like Roy Gold, one of the candidates running for Mayor, it is just that I think we need a nice change in our political scene. Jim Gleason is the nice change. He is for fiscal responsibility, pro-police, want to keep our taxes low…and maybe he will even get rid of the stupid policy of allowing only one cable TV provider. One thing I do know is that he will do the right thing. Roy Gold has been on the political scenes for some time. He would be the first person that will tell you that the reason he is running for Mayor is because he deserves it. After all, Roy has been involved in politics for several years, involved in various positions in Broward country at the same time , a city commissioner. …in fact Roy probably would have better off running for state senate, or something bigger. After all, he would be the first to tell you that he is a big fish in this small pond of ours…or at least it looks like that. However, just because you did community service, does not mean you should go after the paying position of Mayor. However, Roy also has a very left wing agenda, wanting to tell us that not only should we plant trees in this city, but certain kind of trees. He is worried that Global Warming is dependant on what kind of tree you plant. I am for anything that can give us oxygen, but I have a hard time swallowing the methane that Roy is pushing. Just because you know how to kiss ass as a politician doesn’t mean you deserve any elected position. The voters determine that. The person the deserves the position of mayor in this city is the person that wins the election. So don’t worry, Roy Gold will no doubt find something to do in politics. Maybe we should give him a medal or a Gold watch ( he already has one..you should be able to figure this out), but hand him the Mayor position….not this time. Jim Gleason will make a great mayor. All we have to do is give him a chance to kiss the same asses that Roy Gold has already kissed. JIM GLEASON FOR MAYOR! |