How I Lost the Election So Long and Thanks for the Fish

To the 65% of the voters that did not turn up to vote or had no idea of what the last election was about,  I was running for City Commissioner of Coral Springs,  the city you live in, and I lost by 104 votes. The morning after the election, I…

City For Sale?

Sitting Coral Springs Commissioners Receiving Campaign Contributions from Lobbyists and Companies Doing Business  with the City – Stinks Coral Springs, FL 01-02-14: Our City Commissioners that are running for re-election have been taking campaign contributions from companies that require them to vote in favor of their contracts.  Our city code…


Yet Another Contract Awarded Without Competitive Bid Link :MOTOROLA HAS SAME  LOBBYIST  AS CORAL SPRINGS! Your Comments : I traced Mitch Nowak to Motorola Solutions as account exec. Is this the one and same guy who is registered as a lobbyist with coral springs and also making campaign contributions to…

City Commissioners Give Out Contracts Without Going Out For Tender

Process Does Not Pass The Smell Test  and is Not in the Best Interests of the Citizens Your Comments : What I would like to know is isn’t the walk the most expensive property to rent in Coral Springs? Mythos was paying 23 thousand dollars a month for rent. What…