City Spams Website

Confused City Officials and Employees use Email Address    02/22/02  8th  Revision  Update          Latest update: Letter to the City Manager asking for a favor (Click here)   It’s bad enough dealing    with the hundreds of emails a day that come from everywhere including Mortgage Scammers to Porn sites but…


by Howard Melamed Now that the City of Coral Springs collects money for garbage and we can’t complain to Southern Sanitation, side door pickup is now a bunch of garbage. Southern Sanitations contract requires them to bring the 2 garbage cans beside your side door to the street every time…

When Buckling Up Is Not Enough KIDS AT RISK

By Cindy Heafy , Community Involvement Coordinator, Coral Springs Police Department Many parents assume that their children are riding safely in vehicles. After all, the state law requires children to ride in safety seats only until age three and many children have outgrown their child safety seat. Parents incorrectly believe…

Garbage In Garbage Out City – Southern Sanitation Deal, Garbage!

by Andy Kasten Cub Reporter and Gadfly I know that this will come as a total shock to you but……..I have lived in Coral Springs since 1996 and have always owned a home with sanitation service provided by Southern Sanitation. I have always paid for this service on my…